So, our journal has recently successfully (with a lot of help from you folks!) upgraded from OJS 2.4.7-0 to OJS 3.1.2-4. Now, in the old installation, we had several extended reader comments on a couple of our articles (carefully pruned out from all of the spam…). These were significant contributions to the discussion the journal is devoted to (in one case, we even had an author reference one of these comments in a reply article).
Now, OJS 3, so far, does not support comments at all. The problem is that the old comments are now also gone. I’m not sure where I can retrieve them at all, whether they might come back once the comment functionality is supported again (if it ever is), and how, if at all, can they now be displayed. But even if OJS 3 will permanently disable new comments (other than via plugins), it could still be useful to at least keep pre-upgrade comments displayed somehow.
The same case here. We used reader comments for clarifications and small corrections. They are all gone now after update, which makes some articles missing important clarifications. Is there any alternative? seems to be one; however, it’s rather linked to a galley, while the old, simple commenting tool made comments visible on a landing page allowing for more general comments.
A proper commenting tool is a complicated feature, particularly since it needs to be very resilient to spam. We opted to remove this from the application, recommending instead that folks integrate 3rd-party tools for this. is one (supported via plugin), but others are certainly possible – there’s a list of tools that might be suitable here, for example:
We are trying to make all “Feature Request” initial posts follow same structure to facilitate the understanding of the petitions and at same time, ensure no relevant information is missing.
As your post is a question, I will move your post to Support forum, but if you are insterested in convert this in a Feature Request, please feel free to write a new post following this template:
Describe the problem you would like to solve
Example: Our editors need a way to […]
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