Filtering articles in OJS by topic/category

I would like to enable editors to define topics or categories for articles (not journal sections), inform readers about theses topics and allow readers to filter out all articles belonging to such a topic. For example editors may define a research topic “Latent Class Analyse” and tag several articles in different journal sections (empirical research articles, review articles, theoretical articles etc.) as belonging to this topic. Readers should be informed, that there is a topic “Latent Calls Analyse” and be able to select all articles belongig to this topic.

Is there a way to do this with current OJS features? Can “Indexed Terms” be used to tag topics and let users filter them out (by following some link - not by searching)?


Hi @aguen,

You can use the submission keywords to define the topics, and use the keyword cloud block plugin to allow users to see and click on the most popular ones. It’s the closest you might get in the default system.


Hi Bruno,

Thank you for this suggestion! It points in the intended direction. Neverless I think a more straightforward method to assign submissions to topics/keywords defined by journal managers and allowing readers to filter published articles by this topics would be a very nice feature…

Best wishes,