I’m trying to publish an issue of our journal. When I publish an article there are no files attached to the entries. I can see files attached to the submissions when I update their metadata and assign them to an issue, but these files are not associated with the published version. We can see the metadata (title, authors, abstract) no problem, but not the files. We have recently changed servers, could this be related to the change in server?
Hi @dhicks,
Are the files also uploaded as galley files? That is where the published files would be drawn from.
There are no files uploaded as galley files.
That explains it then: you have to upload the files as galley files, since those are the files that are published when you publish your issue. Usually these would be PDF or HTML files, while the original submission files are often in Word or something similar.
Once you upload the files as galley files and publish, they will appear.
I’m not able to download any files from the OJS to turn into galley files. Every time I attempt to download a pdf or word file I am redirected to the submission’s summary page.
Hm, ok, that is strange. I see from your email address that you are at the University of Alberta. Are you hosted through their library? If not, are you hosting the journal yourself or somewhere else?
No we’re not. We host it ourselves. but, we did just switch servers. We also installed a newer version of OJS ( when we made the switch.
Hi @dhicks,
I suspect you’re hitting a file permission problem; check the file permissions on the directory specified by the files_dir
directive in your config.inc.php
configuration file. There’s a FAQ entry describing how file permissions should be set.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We changed the permission of the folder to 777, but nothing has changed. We are still unable to download or publish.
I move the files to a new server, the same problem is happening with me. I can’t see the uploaded files ou upload new files.
Hi @linconperetto,
Have you tried the suggestions in the above post?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alex. I found the problem, the files_dir directive im my
configuration file was wrong. The path has changed but it was like the old
Prof. Lincon M. Peretto
Coordenador CST Redes de Computadores
FATEC-ID - Faculdade de Tecnologia de Indaiatuba
(19) 3885-1923
Hi @linconperetto,
Great, glad to hear you got it working.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team