I would like to include the submission number in the subject line of some of the emails. Is there a field code to do this (where would I be able to look up the field codes?). I can see it is possible to put field references in the subject line, for example New notification from {$siteTitle}
Hello @suenugus ,
I’m not entirely sure if it works in the subject line (I haven’t tried this). This isn’t a list of the field codes (that I know of off-hand), but rather a an overview of all of the prepared emails: Workflow Settings - you could identify one that is useful for your purposes and then look up the email in your OJS instance to pinpoint the local field code.
PKP staff
Hi Roger
Thanks for your reply. You can put field codes in the subject line - I quoted one in my original email {$site title}. I also realise that I was referring to a list of prepared email - but my question was is there a field code for paper number? - and a second question was is there anywhere in the system or documentation that there is a list of valid field codes as I have not been able to find any. Thanks!
Hi @suenugus,
Yes - I see what you mean. It looked through some of the email templates and could not identify a field code for the paper number. This is because a lot of the templates tend to use {$submissionTitle}
to identify the submission - not the ID number. It’s entirely possible that the code does exist and is used in some prepared emails - but as there is not a central place to search or these codes nor is their documentation of them, one would have to comb through the hundreds of prepared emails to find out. If you would like to see documentation for this, I’d encourage you to fill out our suggestion form here: https://pkp.sfu.ca/documentation-feedback/
PKP staff
Thanks Roger - we have actually found it! It is {$SubmissionID} - but I will fill out the suggestion form to see the documentation on this.
Hi @suenugus,
You’re welcome. And just another point of note it does appear that this has come up before and there is an open issue being discussed on this topic: Add submission ID to email subject for all submission-related emails · Issue #3227 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Best regards,