I´m trying to install OJS 2.4.8. After I click in install OJS button, the result is only a White Screen of Death (WSOD).
I get this messages:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getVersionString() on null in /hosting/www/asociacionecocritica.org/revista/lib/pkp/classes/file/FileWrapper.inc.php on line 132
ojs2 has produced an error Message: WARNING: assert(): Assertion failed In file: /hosting/www/asociacionecocritica.org/revista/lib/pkp/classes/core/PKPApplication.inc.php At line: 291 Stacktrace: Server info: OS: Linux PHP Version: 5.6.24-0+deb8u1 Apache Version: Apache DB Driver: mysql DB server version: 5.5.47-0+deb8u1
What can I do to solve the problem?
Hi @blackadder25,
I suspect you’re encountering a timeout or error of some sort while the installation runs. If you have separate PHP and Apache error logs, make sure you’re checking both; if your installation stops after a nice round number (e.g. 30 seconds) then that would support a timeout. Another option, if you have SSH access, is to use the command-line installer (tools/install.php
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
The WSOD appears so fast. First, I added the following near the top of index.php: ini_set(‘display_errors’, E_ALL);
The result was this message:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getVersionString() on null in
on line 132
Then I change the debug options of config.inc.php and the result was this message:
WARNING: assert(): Assertion failed In file:
At line: 291 Stacktrace: Server info: OS: Linux PHP Version:
5.6.24-0+deb8u1 Apache Version: Apache DB Driver: mysql DB server
version: 5.5.47-0+deb8u1
And the first message don’t appears.
Hi @blackadder25,
Is this a fresh installation, or do you have an older installation hanging around?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
It is a fresh installation.
Hi @blackadder25,
Hmm. Are you altering your config.inc.php
file at all, e.g. turning the Installed
parameter to On
? Can you double-check the file permissions as described in docs/README
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I just turned the Display an error message when something goes wrong. display_errors
parameter to on
The file permissions are correct. I have installed this week Open Conference System and I have not any problem.
When I turn to on
the show_stacktrace
, it appears this message:
ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: assert(): Assertion failed
In file:
At line: 291
File: (unknown) line (unknown)
Function: PKPApplication->errorHandler(2, “assert(): Assertion
291, Array(1))
line 291
Function: assert(False)
line 195
Function: PKPApplication->getCurrentVersion()
line 30
Function: PKPTemplateManager->PKPTemplateManager(Null)
line 385
Function: TemplateManager->TemplateManager(Null)
line 432
Function: PKPTemplateManager->getManager()
line 34
Function: PKPHandler->setupTemplate()
File: (unknown) line (unknown)
Function: IndexHandler->index(Array(0), Object(Request))
line 362
Function: call_user_func(Array(2), Array(0), Object(Request))
line 220
Object(Request), Array(0), False)
line 134
Function: PKPPageRouter->route(Object(Request))
line 178
Function: Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(Request))
File: /hosting/www/asociacionecocritica.org/revista/index.php line 64
Function: PKPApplication->execute()
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 5.6.24-0+deb8u1
Apache Version: Apache
DB Driver: mysql
DB server version: 5.5.47-0+deb8u1
Hi @blackadder25,
Your installation is behaving as if Installed
is set to On
, when that shouldn’t happen until the installation process completes, which it hasn’t.
This is definitely abnormal behavior, so I’m trying to figure out what’s different about your installation. Do yo have any customizations, third-party plugins, etc?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
I have not installed any plugin or similar.
I am trying install OJS in a subdomain.
I don’t understand why I have this problem because I hadn’t got any problem when I installed OCS.
Hi @blackadder25,
All the errors you’re reporting still point to Installed
being On
in config.inc.php
, and you haven’t clarified whether that’s the case or not. Are you trying a fresh install process – e.g. recreating the database and filling out the installation form again – each time you try? Or is all of this happening after the failed installation process you first reported?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
In config,inc.php
, Installed
is On
I have reinstalled OJS twice after I had removed all folders and I had created new BBDD. Always, the result was the same error.
I have not any customizations, third-party plugins, etc.
Hi @blackadder25,
Can you describe how you’re performing the installation, step by step? The Installed
setting getting changed to On
is the last step in the installation, so I’m trying to figure out how this could be happening when the installation doesn’t appear to be completing. Unless you’re setting Installed
to On
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
No, I have not changed Installed
to On
The installation, step by step:
I download the software.
From my webFTP account, I create a directory in the root and upload the installation file and I unzip the file in the folder. I create other directory to store uploaded files.
Then, I create a new database.
Last, I type the url, http://revista.asociacionecocritica.org and I fill the form.
I think I do not forget anything.
Hi @blackadder25,
I wonder if this is a platform issue on your server related to symbolic link support.
Could you try installing again, but before completing the installation form, remove:
- plugins/importexport/doaj
- plugins/importexport/crossref
- plugins/importexport/medra
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I have followed your instructions and the result is a white screen but Installated
is off
in confing.inc.php
Now I can’t watch the error messages.
Hi @blackadder25,
Is that Installated
or Installed
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @blackadder25,
Hmm, I’m afraid I’m running out of guesses. Would you be willing to send me a private message with temporary credentials to your server?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team