Hi, I have been installing the OJS 2.4.8 several times but occurs a error →
Fatal error: Class ‘DOIExportPlugin’ not found in /home/reeed/www/sys/plugins/importexport/datacite/DataciteExportPlugin.inc.php on line 28
I tried to do upload files manualy and occurs error, after I tried unzip the file directly on server, and the same error occurs. Can someone help?
Thanks a lot!
The file has php code:
<?php /** * @file plugins/importexport/datacite/DataciteExportPlugin.inc.php * * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Simon Fraser University Library * Copyright (c) 2003-2016 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * @class DataciteExportPlugin * @ingroup plugins_importexport_datacite * * @brief DataCite export/registration plugin. */ if (!class_exists('DOIExportPlugin')) { // Bug #7848 import('plugins.importexport.datacite.classes.DOIExportPlugin'); } // DataCite API define('DATACITE_API_RESPONSE_OK', 201); define('DATACITE_API_URL', 'https://mds.datacite.org/'); // Test DOI prefix define('DATACITE_API_TESTPREFIX', '10.5072'); class DataciteExportPlugin extends DOIExportPlugin { // // Constructor // function DataciteExportPlugin() { parent::DOIExportPlugin(); } // // Implement template methods from ImportExportPlugin // /** * @see ImportExportPlugin::getName() */ function getName() { return 'DataciteExportPlugin'; } /** * @see ImportExportPlugin::getDisplayName() */ function getDisplayName() { return __('plugins.importexport.datacite.displayName'); } /** * @see ImportExportPlugin::getDescription() */ function getDescription() { return __('plugins.importexport.datacite.description'); } // // Implement template methods from DOIExportPlugin // /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::getPluginId() */ function getPluginId() { return 'datacite'; } /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::getSettingsFormClassName() */ function getSettingsFormClassName() { return 'DataciteSettingsForm'; } /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::getAllObjectTypes() */ function getAllObjectTypes() { $objectTypes = parent::getAllObjectTypes(); $objectTypes['suppFile'] = DOI_EXPORT_SUPPFILES; return $objectTypes; } /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::displayAllUnregisteredObjects() */ function displayAllUnregisteredObjects(&$templateMgr, &$journal) { // Prepare information specific to this plug-in. $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('suppFiles', $this->_getUnregisteredSuppFiles($journal)); parent::displayAllUnregisteredObjects($templateMgr, $journal); } /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::getObjectName() */ function getObjectName($exportType) { if ($exportType == DOI_EXPORT_SUPPFILES) { return 'supp-file'; } else { return parent::getObjectName($exportType); } } /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::displaySuppFileList() */ function displaySuppFileList(&$templateMgr, &$journal) { $this->setBreadcrumbs(array(), true); // Retrieve all published articles. $allArticles = $this->getAllPublishedArticles($journal); // Retrieve supp file data. $this->registerDaoHook('SuppFileDAO'); $suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO'); /* @var $suppFileDao SuppFileDAO */ $suppFiles = array(); foreach($allArticles as $article) { // Retrieve supp files for the article. $articleSuppFiles =& $suppFileDao->getSuppFilesByArticle($article->getId()); // Filter only supp files that have a DOI assigned. foreach ($articleSuppFiles as $suppFile) { if ($suppFile->getPubId('doi')) { $suppFiles[] =& $suppFile; } unset($suppFile); } unset($article, $articleSuppFiles); } unset($allArticles); // Paginate supp files. $totalSuppFiles = count($suppFiles); $rangeInfo = Handler::getRangeInfo('suppFiles'); if ($rangeInfo->isValid()) { $suppFiles = array_slice($suppFiles, $rangeInfo->getCount() * ($rangeInfo->getPage()-1), $rangeInfo->getCount()); } // Retrieve supp file data. $suppFileData = array(); foreach($suppFiles as $suppFile) { $preparedSuppFile =& $this->_prepareSuppFileData($suppFile, $journal); // As we select only published articles, we should always // get data back here. assert(is_array($preparedSuppFile)); if (is_array($preparedSuppFile)) { $suppFileData[] =& $preparedSuppFile; } unset($suppFile, $preparedSuppFile); } unset($suppFiles); // Instantiate supp file iterator. import('lib.pkp.classes.core.VirtualArrayIterator'); $iterator = new VirtualArrayIterator($suppFileData, $totalSuppFiles, $rangeInfo->getPage(), $rangeInfo->getCount()); // Prepare and display the supp file template. $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('suppFiles', $iterator); $templateMgr->display($this->getTemplatePath() . 'suppFiles.tpl'); } /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::generateExportFiles() */ function generateExportFiles(&$request, $exportType, &$objects, $targetPath, &$journal, &$errors) { // Additional locale file. AppLocale::requireComponents(array(LOCALE_COMPONENT_OJS_EDITOR)); // Export objects one by one (DataCite does not allow // multiple objects per file). $this->import('classes.DataciteExportDom'); $exportFiles = array(); foreach($objects as $object) { // Generate the export XML. $dom = new DataciteExportDom($request, $this, $journal, $this->getCache()); $doc =& $dom->generate($object); if ($doc === false) { $this->cleanTmpfiles($targetPath, array_keys($exportFiles)); $errors =& $dom->getErrors(); return false; } // Write the result. $exportFile = $this->getTargetFileName($targetPath, $exportType, $object->getId()); file_put_contents($exportFile, XMLCustomWriter::getXML($doc)); $fileManager = new FileManager(); $fileManager->setMode($exportFile, FILE_MODE_MASK); $exportFiles[$exportFile] = array(&$object); unset($object); } return $exportFiles; } /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::registerDoi() */ function registerDoi(&$request, &$journal, &$objects, $file) { // DataCite should always export exactly // one object per meta-data file. assert(count($objects) == 1); $object =& $objects[0]; // Get the DOI and the URL for the object. $doi = $object->getPubId('doi'); assert(!empty($doi)); if ($this->isTestMode($request)) { $doi = String::regexp_replace('#^[^/]+/#', DATACITE_API_TESTPREFIX . '/', $doi); } $url = $this->_getObjectUrl($request, $journal, $object); assert(!empty($url)); // Prepare HTTP session. $curlCh = curl_init(); if ($httpProxyHost = Config::getVar('proxy', 'http_host')) { curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_PROXY, $httpProxyHost); curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, Config::getVar('proxy', 'http_port', '80')); if ($username = Config::getVar('proxy', 'username')) { curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $username . ':' . Config::getVar('proxy', 'password')); } } curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_POST, true); // Set up basic authentication. $username = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'username'); $password = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'password'); curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$username:$password"); // Set up SSL. curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // Transmit meta-data. assert(is_readable($file)); $payload = file_get_contents($file); assert($payload !== false && !empty($payload)); curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_URL, DATACITE_API_URL . 'metadata'); curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8')); curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); $result = true; $response = curl_exec($curlCh); if ($response === false) { $result = array(array('plugins.importexport.common.register.error.mdsError', 'No response from server.')); } else { $status = curl_getinfo($curlCh, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($status != DATACITE_API_RESPONSE_OK) { $result = array(array('plugins.importexport.common.register.error.mdsError', "$status - $response")); } } // Mint a DOI. if ($result === true) { $payload = "doi=$doi\nurl=$url"; curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_URL, DATACITE_API_URL . 'doi'); curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8')); curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); $response = curl_exec($curlCh); if ($response === false) { $result = array(array('plugins.importexport.common.register.error.mdsError', 'No response from server.')); } else { $status = curl_getinfo($curlCh, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($status != DATACITE_API_RESPONSE_OK) { $result = array(array('plugins.importexport.common.register.error.mdsError', "$status - $response")); } } } curl_close($curlCh); if ($result === true) { // Mark the object as registered. $this->markRegistered($request, $object, DATACITE_API_TESTPREFIX); } return $result; } /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::getDaoName() */ function getDaoName($exportType) { if ($exportType == DOI_EXPORT_SUPPFILES) { return array('SuppFileDAO', 'getSuppFile'); } else { return parent::getDaoName($exportType); } } /** * @see DOIExportPlugin::getObjectNotFoundErrorKey() */ function getObjectNotFoundErrorKey($exportType) { if ($exportType == DOI_EXPORT_SUPPFILES) { return 'plugins.importexport.datacite.export.error.suppFileNotFound'; } else { return parent::getObjectNotFoundErrorKey($exportType); } } /** * @see AcronPlugin::parseCronTab() */ function callbackParseCronTab($hookName, $args) { $taskFilesPath =& $args[0]; $taskFilesPath[] = $this->getPluginPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'scheduledTasks.xml'; return false; } // // Private helper methods // /** * Retrieve all unregistered supplementary files and their corresponding issues and articles. * @param $journal Journal * @return array */ function &_getUnregisteredSuppFiles(&$journal) { // Retrieve all supp files that have not yet been registered. $suppFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SuppFileDAO'); /* @var $suppFileDao SuppFileDAO */ $suppFiles = $suppFileDao->getSuppFilesBySetting($this->getPluginId(). '::' . DOI_EXPORT_REGDOI, null, null, $journal->getId()); // Retrieve issues and articles for supp files. $suppFileData = array(); foreach ($suppFiles as $suppFile) { $preparedSuppFile =& $this->_prepareSuppFileData($suppFile, $journal); if (is_array($preparedSuppFile)) { $suppFileData[] =& $preparedSuppFile; } unset($suppFile, $preparedSuppFile); } return $suppFileData; } /** * Identify published article and issue of the given supp file. * @param $suppFile SuppFile * @param $journal Journal * @return array|null An array with article and issue of the given * suppl file. Null will be returned if one of these objects * cannot be identified (e.g. when the supp file belongs * to an unpublished article). */ function &_prepareSuppFileData(&$suppFile, &$journal) { // Retrieve article and issue for the supp file. $suppFileData =& $this->prepareArticleFileData($suppFile, $journal); if (!is_array($suppFileData)) { $nullVar = null; return $nullVar; } // Add the supp file itself. $suppFileData['suppFile'] =& $suppFile; return $suppFileData; } /** * Get the canonical URL of an object. * @param $request Request * @param $journal Journal * @param $object Issue|PublishedArticle|ArticleGalley|SuppFile */ function _getObjectUrl(&$request, &$journal, &$object) { $router =& $request->getRouter(); // Retrieve the article of article files. if (is_a($object, 'ArticleFile')) { $articleId = $object->getArticleId(); $cache = $this->getCache(); if ($cache->isCached('articles', $articleId)) { $article =& $cache->get('articles', $articleId); } else { $articleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO'); /* @var $articleDao PublishedArticleDAO */ $article =& $articleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($articleId, $journal->getId(), true); } assert(is_a($article, 'PublishedArticle')); } $url = null; switch (true) { case is_a($object, 'Issue'): $url = $router->url($request, $journal->getPath(), 'issue', 'view', $object->getBestIssueId($journal)); break; case is_a($object, 'PublishedArticle'): $url = $router->url($request, $journal->getPath(), 'article', 'view', $object->getBestArticleId($journal)); break; case is_a($object, 'ArticleGalley'): $url = $router->url($request, $journal->getPath(), 'article', 'view', array($article->getBestArticleId($journal), $object->getBestGalleyId($journal))); break; case is_a($object, 'SuppFile'): $url = $router->url($request, $journal->getPath(), 'article', 'downloadSuppFile', array($article->getBestArticleId($journal), $object->getBestSuppFileId($journal))); break; } if ($this->isTestMode($request)) { // Change server domain for testing. $url = String::regexp_replace('#://[^\s]+/index.php#', '://example.com/index.php', $url); } return $url; } } ?>