Good evening to all of the forum, I require help I am manager, editor and author in the OJS of an institution, but I had a problem when making the sending of an article, when I do all the editorial process envión not the article I get inside magazine, I have also tested the form of shipments in one step or quick deliveries but still not me articles appear in magazines that must which may be
I have already reviewed the manuals looking for a solution but I have not yet achieved thank you very much for your help I will be careful
Hi @jorge_tamayo,
I’m not sure I’m following your question fully – could you post the steps you’ve taken, ideally with screenshots, and describe where you get stuck?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Gracias por su pronta respuesta, si he realizado el envio con el conector Plugin QuickSubmit, en un solo paso cuando ya estoy al final del formulario y le he ingresado toda la informacion le doy guardar y continuar y me aparece el siguiente pantallazo,
estare atento a su respuesta de nuevo gracias
Hi @jorge_tamayo,
Check your server’s PHP error log; I suspect there is something there to indicate what’s happening.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Mil gracias por su colaboracion, apoyo y pronta respuesta, me comunicare con la persona encargada de sistemas y le solicitare que nos resuelva este problema, Gracias por su atencion