Fails users notification in the mailing list


We just updated to OJS version and we have detected a problem when a editor sends a users notification. This notification arrive to registered users but don’t arrive to the distribution list, gives this error:

OJS SMTPMailer: Did not receive expected 250 or 251, referer:

Does anyone knows what could happen?


Do any emails work from your site? The error you reference most likely indicates a problem with the SMTP server you’ve configured in

Check with the admin responsible for this SMTP server to confirm your configuration and to confirm that their server is working as expected. (The admin may be your hosting provider.)

We have checked our SMTP service and it is working as expected.

The sending of emails works well within normal work flows, but doesn’t work the sending of emails to the mailing list, when the email isn’t from a registered user.

And before update to all sending emails worked well.

We don’t know how solve it.

I encountered the same problem with ojs 2.4.8 (new installation).
error: undefined variable $recipient in pages\editor\, line 1100.

If i change it from $recipient to $mailListRecipient in line 1100 and make changes additionally in line 1101 from $email->addRecipient($mailListRecipient) to $email->addRecipient( $mailListRecipient[‘email’]) email is going out to individual mailing list subscriber too. But if the subscriber register later he/she receives email twice. So there is something more to do.

Hi @uko,

Can you try applying the patch linked at Mailing list warning and potential message duplication · Issue #1493 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub and report back whether it solves the problem? This should both correct the warning and de-dupe addresses before sending. With your confirmation I’ll commit the change for inclusion in the next release.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hallo Alec,
I am sorry, but it did not solve the problem.
E-mails were sent only to registered users, but not to individual subscribers.
Log entries below, hope it helps.

Message: WARNING: Illegal offset type in isset or empty
In file: pages\editor\
At line: 1100 [if (!isset($emails[$mailListRecipient]))]

Message: WARNING: Illegal offset type
In file: pages\editor\
At line: 1102 [$emails[$mailListRecipient] = 1;]

OJS SMTPMailer: Did not receive expected 250 or 251

Hi @uko,

Hmm, thanks, it looks like this has been broken for a while. Please revert pkp/pkp-lib#1493 Fix email variable name typo and de-dupe messages · asmecher/ojs@eff98a3 · GitHub and try pkp/pkp-lib#1493 Fix email variable name typo and de-dupe messages · asmecher/ojs@f5d4c7d · GitHub.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec,
emails were sent now as expected. Sent to users and to additional subscribers who are not registered users. thanks for correction :slight_smile:

Hi @uko,

Great, thanks for confirming! I’ll commit this for release in the next version of OJS.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team