One of the journal managers has this issue upon one of the new submissions:
“the new submission has the same problem as the previous one: on the Publication tab->Contributors the blue arrow for drop-down for editing the contributor is not there so the bio, affiliation, and other information cannot be added. And, even though the co-author is identified, it does not show up as a user.”
I tried to login as the user with exact the same roles she has and found out it is editable. But this issue remains when I tried with her profile. I wonder is it because she is the editor who is in charge to handleing the new submission? Is this a new feature for the new version? The current version is
Hello @chenso17,
By chance is the submission already published (the edit option doesn’t show up when something has already been published)? If so you would have to Unpublish the article in order to edit the contributor information in those fields (which shouldn’t be there). Once the article is unpublished you should see the edit option by clicking the little arrow next to the contributor name. Co-authors may not necessarily have user accounts in your journal instances (especially if only one author submitted on their behalf).
Hi Roger,
Thank you for the response.
To clarify your question, no, the article is not published. This issue happens in the process of publishing it. The article is actually still in the phase of submission.
Below screeshots for your reference:
This is how it looks like as the editor who raised the issue:

This is how it looks like as the user who has exactly the same roles the editor has: