Dear team:
I have created an account in the OCLC WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway in order get indexed and transfer the metadata of my newly created journal ( The journal is using OJS (OJS When I log in my OCLC account and try to add a repository using the base URL of the journal ( the test fails and gives the following message:
Error: Not all required tests passed, you cannot add this repository.
SUCCESS: Testing URL Uniqueness
SUCCESS: Testing URL Validity
SUCCESS: Testing Availability
FAILED: Testing OAI Support
Can you please provide help in order to fix this problem? I do not know what to do since OJS should support OAI metadata harvesting.
many thanks !
First name: Jorge
Last name: Esparza Gordillo
1 Like
Hi @jesparza,
That’s not a specific enough response for me to know what’s happening – perhaps WorldCat provides more information somewhere? In any case, try using the http
URL rather than the https
one. Technically, OAI is supposed to be delivered by http
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec:
that worked I changed the base URL and excluded the “s” from https to http and now everything works.
many thanks !
1 Like
but its not worked for me, i’ve tried. please tell me what else you did to resolve the issue,
your reply shall be appreciated,
thanks in advance.
Hi @jain034567,
What specifically did you try?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
1 Like
Respected @ asmecher Sir,
I’ve tried following points :
When i saw error from OCLC, i’ve changed domain from https to http
Point 1st didn’t work, so that i’ve have cleaned all the OJS and reinstalled back to same domain.
Again Point 1 and 2 didn’t work, so that i decided to install on different domain to check whether problem might be only with my domain.
All above points did not worked form me, so that i’ve checked all other related replies from PKP support and tried to check my oai to
XML Validation
ERROR: Identify response well-formed but invalid: Element ‘{}OAI-PMH’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root., line 6
ERROR: ListRecords response well-formed but invalid: Element ‘{}OAI-PMH’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root., line 6
- worldcat OCLC it says error
rror: Not all required tests passed, you cannot add this repository.
- SUCCESS: Testing URL Uniqueness
- SUCCESS: Testing URL Validity
- SUCCESS: Testing Availability
- FAILED: Testing OAI Support
- SKIPPED: Testing DC Format Support
- SKIPPED: Testing OCLC DC Format Support
- SKIPPED: Testing List Sets
- SKIPPED: Testing Set Uniqueness
- SKIPPED: Testing List Records
- SKIPPED: Testing Actionable URL Identifier
- My base url is
Kindly review the issue and help me.
Best regards
Rahul Jain
Hi @jain034567,
- When i saw error from OCLC, i’ve changed domain from https to http
Where specifically did you modify this?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’d made changes into base url (i.e. base_url = “https://”) of file also changed the option into security setting force_ssl = On and force_login_ssl = On
tried to check http and Off setting for both ssl
thank you sir for your reply
Hi @jain034567,
If you’re using OJS 3.1.2-0, you’ll need to apply Revert "#4466 oai links updated" · pkp/pkp-lib@0e21a53 · GitHub to resolve the problem. Note that as far as I’m aware the problem only affects validation tools like Wordcat’s OAI tester; it should not prevent anything from actually using the OAI interface.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Respected sir,
There are 6 changes in above links of github, so do i need to replace with file or open all file and make changes, i’m not good in coding.
kindly guide me.
many many thanks
Hi @jain034567,
This is more a question about github and patch files than a question about OJS, but there are resources on the web about this (e.g. git - Apply github commit / pull request as a patch - Stack Overflow).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
1 Like
Are there files located inside folder?
so that i can change manually because it has one another location
Thanks and Regards
Respected @asmecher sir
There are two different paths to access these files, which one is correct?
1- / lib/pkp
2- /
Please guide me.
Thanks and regards
Hi @jain034567,
The patch is to the pkp-lib
repository, which lives inside lib/pkp
in your OJS installation.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
1 Like
After I updated to OJS 3.1.2 (3/4 day ago) and just now I have realized that OAI-PMH is not harvesting any of my records.
When I run the BASE OAI-PMH validator, It is giving me the following errors:
XML Validation
ERROR: Identify response well-formed but invalid: Element ‘{}OAI-PMH’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root., line 6
ERROR: ListRecords response well-formed but invalid: Element ‘{}OAI-PMH’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root., line 6
UNVERIFIED: Deleting strategy could not be checked: deletedRecord element not found.
UNVERIFIED: ListRecords batch size could not be checked: Only one batch.
Looking forward for a positive and prompt reply.
Hi @seisense,
Did you try the solution posted above?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I changed the file with the following only
force_ssl = On and force_login_ssl = On
but it did not work.
Do you want me to apply the patch?
Hi @seisense,
Yes, the patch described above is the solution I meant.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks @asmecher
I dont have much skills to apply patch automatically. Yet, I have applied the patch manually to five of the six files.
The one file which I am not able to change is 
I am not able to find this test folder at all. Screenshot is attached of lib/pkp OJS installation of mine.

Hi @seisense,
The tests are only in the github repository and are excluded from the .tar.gz
package when it is built. You should be OK to skip that one.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team