If I use the pattern %f (publication format) for DOI assigning, I will have a progressive number? If yes, starting from which number?
e.g. for PDF %f will be 1 and for EPUB will be 2?
Thank you
If I use the pattern %f (publication format) for DOI assigning, I will have a progressive number? If yes, starting from which number?
e.g. for PDF %f will be 1 and for EPUB will be 2?
Thank you
The publication format ID will be numeric, starting at 1 and increasing for every publication format created, regardless of what press it’s in – meaning that if your OMP installation runs several presses, a new publication format in one press will mean that the other press skips that number. The publication format IDs are meant to be unique, but not informational. Does that make sense?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team