EZID DOI Plugin for OJS 3?

Hello! We (University of Alberta) are interested in developing an EZID DOI plugin for OJS 3. We’re currently heavy users of VTUL’s plugin for OJS 2 (thanks @Chase_Dooley!) and want to port and expand the functionality for 3. Is anyone using EZID with OJS working on this already? Anyone interested in partnering?

The University of Pittsburgh would also have interest in seeing this plugin ported to OJS 3.x.

Kenton Good of your own University of Alberta proposed this as a fall Development Sprint idea. The Sprint agenda and participation is crowdsourced, and open to all.

Note that to my understanding, the Virginia Tech is not actively using this plugin; but, they have responded to my pull requests.

Thanks @ctgraham! I knew Kenton had proposed the topic for the sprint - I’ll be at the PKP meeting but we won’t have our OJS developer there. However, I’m happy to contribute to requirements, workflows, UI, and documentation.

If this project doesn’t end up on the sprint agenda we will still need to move it forward so good to know others are interested as well. Our journals can’t migrate to 3 without a DOI solution, and we’re using EZID for several other UAlberta digital projects.

Our travel budget is not yet approved, but I’ll hope to see you there.

To clarify for any readers out there, the Sprint will be available to remote participants as well as in-person participation. So be sure to sign up to get involved, whether remotely or in Montreal.

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