I have an OJS instance that started out as OJS 2.1. When I compare its database schema to a refresh install of OJS with the same plugins active, I have a lot of extra tables. I presume these are from various plugins that have been installed and then removed over the years (almost decades).
I’d like to remove them. Or should I honour “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”?
These are my extra tables.
- auth_sources
- books_for_review
- books_for_review_authors
- books_for_review_settings
- captchas
- comments
- dataverse_files
- dataverse_studies
- edit_assignments
- group_memberships
- group_settings
- groups
- metadata_description_settings
- metadata_descriptions
- metrics_old
- mutex
- notification_mail_list
- object_for_review_assignments
- object_for_review_persons
- object_for_review_settings
- objects_for_review
- paypal_transactions
- processes
- referral_settings
- referrals
- region_mapping_tmp
- review_object_metadata
- review_object_metadata_settings
- review_object_type_settings
- review_object_types
- roles
- rt_contexts
- rt_searches
- rt_versions
- submission_artwork_files
- submission_supplementary_files
- submission_xml_galleys
- theses