Hi ,
I need excel export option in reviewers Page. (Archive ).
any plugins available
Hi ,
I need excel export option in reviewers Page. (Archive ).
any plugins available
Hi @rajkumar,
Actually the journal manager can do something like that using the Review Report, under the statistics and reports page. It lists all the reviews in the system, with enough information for you to filter what you said (completed by reviewer) inside an spreadsheet editor of your preference (like Excel).
But if you want to allow reviewers to donwload by their own an spreadsheet file with the list of their completed reviewed submissions, then you will probably need to create a plugin for that. It can reuse a lot of code from the review report, but it will require PHP knowledge. Let me know if you want/can do something like that, and I can help you with some guidelines if you want.
Hi @beghelli ,
Yes, can you tel me guidelines to create excel export plugin . I have knowledge in php but not in ojs .
I found the file . pages/reviewer/ReviewerHandler.inc and i have included the php excel library import(‘classes.PHPExcel’);
but in this line i got only single row .
$submissions = $reviewerSubmissionDao->getReviewerSubmissionsByReviewerId($user->getId(), $journal->getId(), $active, $rangeInfo);
i dont know how to create by Plugin by ojs standards.
Hi @rajkumar,
Nice you’re able to work on this.
You can check the plugins/reports/reviews plugin to see how it implements basically the report you need. You can use it to learn both the plugin structure and also the things you’ll need to get the data you want.
After you understand that plugin (please, feel free to ask any question about that here), you can move forward and learn how to add HTML elements to specific pages (to add the link for reviewers to download their respective submission reports). I can tell you more about that if you want to, but I will wait your position related to the first step (learning the reviews plugin code).