Hi! My site works properly before this day. I change some template settings in admin panel and get 500 error.
turn all display errors On in php.ini htaccesse config.inc and nothing to look. I also check permissions of cache folder - 0777 all files and folders
If you have set display_errors on in config.inc.php and the error is not being output to the screen, the request may be erroring out at the server level rather than at the application level. Check your server’s error log and copy the message(s) here.
It is highly unlikely that there is no Apache error logged in the event of the 500 error. Can you check with your hosting provider to confirm that you are finding the correct error log?
if you do not see the PHP configuration, but still see a 500 error, you have an Apache configuration error somewhere. This error may be logged outside of the main /var/log/httpd/error_log, especially if virtualhosts are in use.
if you do see the PHP configuration, replace the file contents with:
You should see the line with “— HERE —” in your error log. If it does not appear in /var/log/httpd/error_log, there is almost certainly another error log in use.
This confirms that Apache is logging errors to some other error log for this access. You’ll need to trace through your Apache config to find where this additional log is.