Errors when trying to import an issue as Native XML

I have two OJS servers running: one on and the other on 3.4.0-7.

Using the Native XML Plugin I exported an issue from the server on 3.2.11 and tried to import it onto 3.4.0-7.

However, I get a long list of validation errors along the lines of:

"Generic Items
Filter (Native XML issue import) supports input schema(plugins/importexport/native/native.xsd) - string given
Generic Items Id: 1
Line 32 Column 0: Element ‘{}revision’: This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {}id, {}creator, {}description, {}name ).
Line 38 Column 0: Element ‘{}revision’: This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {}id, {}creator, {}description, {}name ). "

Can anyone suggest how I might go about addressing the issues?


This does not work - the Native XML formats of OJS 3.2.x and OJS 3.4.x are different due to different database schema of the two OJS versions.

There is no simple solution. If you want to migrate data from one server to the other, you first have to upgrade the OJS 3.2 server to OJS 3.4 .

Thank you - I should have guessed there wouldn’t be a shortcut. I am worried about upgrading our existing 3.2 server as it was set up by a former colleague: undocumented and with uncertain backup arrangements in place. If something about the upgrade did not go smoothly, I would be fearful of scrambling our existing server/journals.

Actually, could I just install a fresh copy of version 3.2.1 on my new server, move across my existing database, and then upgrade version on my new server?

That would work. Of course you need to copy over the files and public directory as well.