Hi, I have problem running upgrade from ojs 2.4.8 to ojs
I found similirar topic in pkp forum, but I’m still not sure how to fix the problem.
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 71194 from review assignment 19667 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 72292 from review assignment 19821 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 72664 from review assignment 20184 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 77021 from review assignment 20901 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 77231 from review assignment 21583 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 83074 from review assignment 22697 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 84688 from review assignment 23011 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 82850 from review assignment 23149 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 85071 from review assignment 23649 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 87514 from review assignment 24521 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 88550 from review assignment 24702 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 90048 from review assignment 24805 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 92814 from review assignment 25732 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 95646 from review assignment 26451 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 97879 from review assignment 27272 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 98726 from review assignment 27369 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 97507 from review assignment 27385 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 105382 from review assignment 29588 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 106371 from review assignment 29694 could not be found in the database table submission_files
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 109614 from review assignment 30182 could not be found in the database table submission_files
PHP Warning: rename(files/journals/431//articles/21652/submission/review/21652-1009-109846-1-4-20190620.pdf,files/journals/431//articles/216 52/submission/review/attachment/21652-1009-109846-1-5-20190620.pdf): No such file or directory in /home/admin/web/test.ceesprod.mysafeservers .com/public_html/classes/install/Upgrade.inc.php on line 1997
ERROR: Unable to move “files/journals/431//articles/21652/submission/review/21652-1009-109846-1-4-20190620.pdf” to “files/journals/431//artic les/21652/submission/review/attachment/21652-1009-109846-1-5-20190620.pdf”.
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 110333 from review assignment 30618 could not be found in the database table submission_files
PHP Warning: rename(files/journals/431//articles/21835/submission/review/21835-1009-109986-1-4-20190621.pdf,files/journals/431//articles/218 35/submission/review/attachment/21835-1009-109986-1-5-20190621.pdf): No such file or directory in /home/admin/web/test.ceesprod.mysafeservers .com/public_html/classes/install/Upgrade.inc.php on line 1997
ERROR: Unable to move “files/journals/431//articles/21835/submission/review/21835-1009-109986-1-4-20190621.pdf” to “files/journals/431//artic les/21835/submission/review/attachment/21835-1009-109986-1-5-20190621.pdf”.
PHP Warning: rename(files/journals/431//articles/21652/submission/review/21652-1009-110376-2-4-20190627.pdf,files/journals/431//articles/216 52/submission/review/attachment/21652-1009-110376-2-5-20190627.pdf): No such file or directory in /home/admin/web/test.ceesprod.mysafeservers .com/public_html/classes/install/Upgrade.inc.php on line 1997
ERROR: Unable to move “files/journals/431//articles/21652/submission/review/21652-1009-110376-2-4-20190627.pdf” to “files/journals/431//artic les/21652/submission/review/attachment/21652-1009-110376-2-5-20190627.pdf”.
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 112699 from review assignment 31251 could not be found in the database table submission_files
I have looked to linked topic, but I’am not sure that I have understood it.
I tried to run db query “SELECT ra.review_id, ra.submission_id, ra.reviewer_file_id FROM review_assignments ra WHERE ra.reviewer_file_id IS NOT NULL AND ra.reviewer_file_id NOT IN (SELECT file_id FROM article_files)” and
got 83 rows returned.
I have deleted all records from review_assignment table with reviewer_file_id which is not exists in article_files table.
(Found them with query SELECT ra.review_id, ra.submission_id, ra.reviewer_file_id FROM review_assignments ra WHERE ra.reviewer_file_id IS NOT NULL AND ra.reviewer_file_id NOT IN (SELECT file_id FROM article_files)
I have managed to finish upgrade by adding this query to /dbscripts/xml/upgrade/3.0.0_update_xml
delete FROM review_assignments where reviewer_file_id is not null and review_round_id is null
Found 23 records where review_round_id is null, from year 2012-2016.
@asmecher Hello, can you help me? I’m trying to upgrade my ojs from version 2.4.5 to 3.2.1, but I get this error (ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: Column ‘review_round_id’ cannot be null), when I run this command (delete from review_assignments where review_round_id=0 OR review_round_id IS NULL;), it removes a lot of records, almost 9 thousand, I think that’s strange, but I can update, but when I enter the system it lost some references from the reviewers, so the update didn’t go well, can you help me?