Error updating version 2.4.8-5 to 3.1.2-1


When running the command “php tools/upgrade.php upgrade” the following message appears:

DB Error: ERROR: relation “articles” does not exist
LINE 1: … ELECT article_id, journal_id, review_file_id FROM articles W …
^ ojs2: DB Error: ERROR: relation “articles” does not exist
LINE 1: … ELECT article_id, journal_id, review_file_id FROM articles W …

Already searched the forum about this and was unsuccessful.
I am using php7 and postgres10.

Hi @Tineu

Can you connect to your database and actually verify that that the articles table is present? Have you tried to upgrade this journal before?


I entered my database and the articles table is not present.
I just made updates between versions 2.x. For version 3.x is the first time.

I don’t know if I expressed myself correctly, first I tried to update and gave some errors, then corrected these errors and tried to update again, it changed the whole page layout but the database did not update.

Hi @Tineu

Did you restore your database from a backup after you tried to upgrade to version 3 the first time? If not, your database may be in a state between two versions. You would normally have to restore from backup if an upgrade attempt fails.


Hi @jnugent
Looking in the forum I found this issue and after that I restored the database to a version before the upgrade.
Result: There were two other issues which I was able to solve by the same forum.
After that I finally managed to migrate the database from version 2.4.8-5 to

I would like to thank you for your attention, and to say that the forum is very good and all the problems I found solved here.

Good work,