When running the command “php tools/upgrade.php upgrade” the following message appears:
DB Error: ERROR: relation “articles” does not exist
LINE 1: … ELECT article_id, journal_id, review_file_id FROM articles W …
^ ojs2: DB Error: ERROR: relation “articles” does not exist
LINE 1: … ELECT article_id, journal_id, review_file_id FROM articles W …
Already searched the forum about this and was unsuccessful.
I am using php7 and postgres10.
I don’t know if I expressed myself correctly, first I tried to update and gave some errors, then corrected these errors and tried to update again, it changed the whole page layout but the database did not update.
Did you restore your database from a backup after you tried to upgrade to version 3 the first time? If not, your database may be in a state between two versions. You would normally have to restore from backup if an upgrade attempt fails.
Hi @jnugent
Looking in the forum I found this issue and after that I restored the database to a version before the upgrade.
Result: There were two other issues which I was able to solve by the same forum.
After that I finally managed to migrate the database from version 2.4.8-5 to