Error recover password mail

Hi, when I try to recover the password the english work fine, the mail send well but when I do the same in spanish the email that contains the information doesn’t show correct mail, the user only can see the first worlds until the letter “ñ” appears. I try to change the word in the file /locale/es_ES/emails.po but anything work. What can I do to solve this issue? At the end you can find the screenshoots of the problem.
The Version of OJS is 3.3:0.8**

Captura de Pantalla 2022-04-22 a la(s) 11.28.07 a.m.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-04-22 a la(s) 11.27.36 a.m.

Hi @Nicolas_Aguirre_Espi,

The first thing I would suggest is to verify the Spanish email template: Settings-Workflow-Email templates.

Regards, Primož