Error rebuildSearchIndex.php

Please help me

Ojs version 3.1
BDD: PostgreSQL version 9.2.23


DB Error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “submission_search_object_keywords_pkey”

Hi @freddy,

Check to make sure that your character set configuration in is appropriate, and that your database is configured to use UTF8.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec

Please your help my problem remains, this confuguración I have:

; Default locale
locale = es_ES

; Client output/input character set
client_charset = utf-8

; Database connection character set
; Must be set to “Off” if not supported by the database server
; If enabled, must be the same character set as “client_charset”
; (although the actual name may differ slightly depending on the server)
connection_charset = Off

; Database storage character set
; Must be set to “Off” if not supported by the database server
database_charset = Off

; Enable character normalization to utf-8 (recommended)
; If disabled, strings will be passed through in their native encoding
; Note that client_charset and database collation must be set
; to “utf-8” for this to work, as characters are stored in utf-8
charset_normalization = utf-8

detail of the error:


This shows the table “submission_search_object_keywords”: