I got these errors when just beginning the installation of OJS3. I know I was able to complete the installation by ignoring them. However, I had other problems when setting up the journal. I don’t know if these errors have anything to do with the later errors. I installed OJS3 the other day also on bluehost hosted website without any problems.
Strict Standards: Declaration of RelatedItemsBlockPlugin::getContents() should be compatible with BlockPlugin::getContents($templateMgr, $request = NULL) in/home/abbjourn/public_html/plugins/blocks/relatedItems/RelatedItemsBlockPlugin.inc.php on line 18
Strict Standards: Declaration of InformationBlockPlugin::getContents() should be compatible with BlockPlugin::getContents($templateMgr, $request = NULL) in/home/abbjourn/public_html/plugins/blocks/information/InformationBlockPlugin.inc.php on line 54
Strict Standards: Declaration of LanguageToggleBlockPlugin::getContents() should be compatible with BlockPlugin::getContents($templateMgr, $request = NULL) in/home/abbjourn/public_html/plugins/blocks/languageToggle/LanguageToggleBlockPlugin.inc.php on line 106
Strict Standards: Non-static method Version::fromString() should not be called statically in /home/abbjourn/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/site/VersionCheck.inc.php on line 115
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/abbjourn/public_html/plugins/blocks/relatedItems/RelatedItemsBlockPlugin.inc.php:18) in/home/abbjourn/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/template/PKPTemplateManager.inc.php on line 781
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/abbjourn/public_html/plugins/blocks/relatedItems/RelatedItemsBlockPlugin.inc.php:18) in/home/abbjourn/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/template/PKPTemplateManager.inc.php on line 784
These messages are cosmetic – if you disable strict standards in your PHP configuration, you won’t see them. We’ll clean these up over the next release or two, and at least some have already been resolved, but the system will work fine in any case.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you. I also see non-graphic display of the home page (e.g. lists of navigation menu and left block contents) when the site is updated via admin panel before the normal look of the page appears. Again it could be just cosmetics. Hope you can fix that too.
Do you mean momentary presentation of an almost plaintext version of the site before the layout pops into place? That’s likely your browser fetching a CSS file and attempting to render the page before it receives it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, momentary display of plain text. Does this mean the loading of the style sheets take an unusually long time as I don’t see this with most of other websites?
There are a bunch of factors that can determine how the page is rendered – I’ve seen this behavior on other sites, usually as more of a connection or browser glitch than normal behavior. Tagging @NateWr, who could probably add more detail.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for the comments. I wonder whether the order of importing css files has anything to do with this. I don’t think my browser or network connection (giganet) has any issues. I don’t recall seeing momentary display of plain texts on other websites. To me it is an issue unique to OJS 3. @NateWr,
Do you have a link to the site I can take a look at?
There’s one important clarification: when you say you see “plain text”, do you the site as if there is no CSS file at all? Or does the layout display, but the font is “plain” and only later becomes more attractive?
The first indicates an issue with the CSS file. The latter would be an issue with the Google font that is loaded.
Thanks for the link. I’m having trouble reproducing the problem you describe. When I visit your site, the layout looks correct to me. I don’t get any flash of unstyled page content.
Do you experience this problem consistently? Is there anything else that might help me reproduce it?