Error login ##user.authorization.userRequired##

When login on ojs and go to Control Panel or View profile the plataform shows error ##user.authorization.userRequired##. We change session_check_ip = Off and truncate table sessions but the problem persists.

Any idea ?


Hi @Enrique_Manuel_Touce,

Did this behaviour only start recently? If so, did something on your platform (or browser) change? Does this occur for all clients, or are you able to log in with a different browser/system?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec, thanks for your reply this occur only when use Firefox, with Chrome the log in works ok

Hi @Enrique_Manuel_Touce,

I would suggest flushing your cookies in Firefox (or, more surgically, deleting the cookie called OJSSID in your journal’s domain). This should resolve the issue.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team