Error in the display of the article

Greetings to all.

I have an error generated in the Web page when trying to open a magazine article from the link:


When accessing the link indicated above shows another page as shown below: (


As you can see, the content of the selected magazine is not shown. When checking the PHP LOG file, the following error is displayed:

> PHP Fatal error: Smarty error: [in frontend / objects / article_details.tpl line 42]: syntax error: mismatched tag {/ if}. (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 2338) in /home/w170301s/public_html/journal/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1094

The above refers to an error generated in line 40 in the file: article_details.tpl, which has never been modified.

This error happens when accessing all the journals.

What could I do to solve the problem?

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Did you enter some URL in part of Identifiers of article?

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Where can I check that information, in the database or in the OJS admin?

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When you open that submission go to metadata p[art in upright corner of the screen
When you click on Metadata please check tab Identifiers
That field should be empty if you do not use special URN identifiers.
Please check that.

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Hi @Victor_Alfonso_Marti

Did you change any other template?
You should double check all the templates called from this template: ojs/article.tpl at ojs-3_0_1-0 · pkp/ojs · GitHub, as well as that template. – This is the main template called to display an article and it includes further templates. One of them must have a syntax error…


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Thanks for your help.
In the following screenshot it shows the identifier field, and as you can see, this is empty.


The problem still persists. What else could it be?

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Do you have the same issue for all articles?
What is base URL in your Please check base URL.

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Yes, the same problem for all articles.

The base_url in is:

base_url = “

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Thanks, Bozana.

I just Backed up and replaced all the template files in the directories:

  1. public_html / journal / templates / frontend / objects /
  2. public_html / journal / templates / frontend / pages /
  3. public_html / journal / templates / frontend / components /

Still persisting the problem, I stress that according to the dates of edition of the files (tpl), these were never edited, having the same edition date as those that are in the link: GitHub - pkp/ojs: Open Journal Systems tree / ojs-3_0_1-0 / templates / frontend

What other templates should I review?

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As far as I see in error console there are a number of mistakes in your Bootstrap Yeti template. Did anyone changed many things that make this issue?

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Since you use Bootstrap template/theme you should have in mind that tpl files are in plugins/themes/bootstrap folder and that you should also check whether they are changed with some mistakes.
That should be target of looking for mistakes since going to journals from your default theme works well and that is related to tpl files in your OJS installation. But, the rest is related to yeti theme and it tpl files that are in other location as I mentioned above.

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Dear developer,

We have sent you a private message for this issue.

Hi @Victor_Alfonso_Marti

I think @vvucic is right – it seems like you did some changes for your installation, because you have some elements that the default OJS does not have. You should now just try to figure out where did you make those changes i.e. what templates are being used.
As @vvucic said, maybe you are not using the default theme and you made the changes there, in your theme?


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I checked the files of the directory in the templates / theme, there were errors in the codes of the file journal / plugins / themes / bootstrap3- / templates / frontend / objects / article_details.tpl that were solved, with it the problem was solved.

Thanks to everyone, @bozana and @vvucic

Dear all members,
especially to vvucic and bozana for their contribution idea to solve our problem. Big thanks to you from SS journal staff in UTM.

Best regards,
Wayan Suryasa

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