I have scheduled my first article using ojs 3.2.0-1 in a future issue. While scheduling, I assigned the Crossref DOI by clicking the “Assign” button next to the DOI field. It automatically populates the DOI as per configuration and I saved it.
The article is scheduled but when I go back to see its publication record its DOI field is empty.
So, I am not sure, what is happening here.
1- DOI is assigned its only I can not see now
2- DOI is not saved in the publication record.
Before I publish the issue, I want to make sure. All the articles are assigned DOIs.
Looking forward to your reply.

After upgrading to OJS 3.2.0-1, I faced series of problem. Most of those problems are solved. Yet a new one I faced now as below:
Scheduled the article by assigning the DOI (press assign button and it populated automatically). After publishing the issue, I noticed there was no DOI. And now I noticed actually, on front end DOI is not visible for even previously published articles.
So, I looked into the phpmyAdmin database by running the following query:
select * from submission_settings
and I noticed DOIs for all the previously published articles were stored in the database.
New article I published today after upgrade to ojs 3.2.0-1, DOI is not in the database for this article.
When i run query
select * from publication_settings
I found the article is having the DOI as well.
Yet, I went into Crossref XML Export Plugin, I noticed the new article is showing the status with “Not deposited”. I clicked on “Deposit” and it gives me the message “Registration successful”. Actually, it is not deposited in Crossref.
Is this the Crossref plugin issue or something else? Looking forward to your help.
I am not sure if this has something to do with assigning DOIs or not. When I click on Crossref Linking Plugin settings. A window popup where I clicked on the link “Submission Metadata Settings”. It gives the error message “404 Not Found”.
And the following erros I found in php error log:
[07-Apr-2020 18:27:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Declaration of CrossrefReferenceLinkingSettingsForm::fetch($request) should be compatible with Form::fetch($request, $template = NULL, $display = false) in /home/seisense/journal.seisense.com/plugins/generic/crossrefReferenceLinking/CrossrefReferenceLinkingSettingsForm.inc.php on line 0
[07-Apr-2020 18:27:45 UTC] PHP Warning: Declaration of CrossrefReferenceLinkingSettingsForm::execute($object = NULL) should be compatible with Form::execute(…$functionArgs) in /home/seisense/journal.seisense.com/plugins/generic/crossrefReferenceLinking/CrossrefReferenceLinkingSettingsForm.inc.php on line 0
[07-Apr-2020 18:27:48 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method PKPApplication::getRequest() should not be called statically in /home/seisense/journal.seisense.com/plugins/generic/customHeader/CustomHeaderPlugin.inc.php on line 112
[07-Apr-2020 18:27:48 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method PKPApplication::getRequest() should not be called statically in /home/seisense/journal.seisense.com/plugins/blocks/twitterBlock/TwitterBlockPlugin.inc.php on line 20
[07-Apr-2020 18:28:09 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method PKPApplication::getRequest() should not be called statically in /home/seisense/journal.seisense.com/plugins/generic/customHeader/CustomHeaderPlugin.inc.php on line 112
[07-Apr-2020 18:28:09 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method PKPApplication::getRequest() should not be called statically in /home/seisense/journal.seisense.com/plugins/blocks/twitterBlock/TwitterBlockPlugin.inc.php on line 20
[07-Apr-2020 18:28:28 UTC] ojs2: 404 Not Found

Still looking for the solutions. Not able to assign DOI, submit to Crossref.
Partial solution to assigning the DOI.
Disable the Crossref Reference Linking and all the DOIs are back. Even the new articles are getting the DOIs now.
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