Good afternoon
I have the next error when I send a email in OJS, the field from of email is the user editor and should be the user that start session in OJS how it can see in the image thanks for the help
Good afternoon
I have the next error when I send a email in OJS, the field from of email is the user editor and should be the user that start session in OJS how it can see in the image thanks for the help
This is intentional behavior for OJS 2.4.8, but will be revisited in OJS 2.4.8-1 (to be released within a week or two). I’d suggest upgrading to 2.4.8-1 when it becomes available.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi asmecher
This is the only solution upgradind to 2.4.8-1, is posible apply a fix and not migrate all plataform? thanks for the help
Generally it’s a good idea to stay up to date with new releases – but if you want to explore the relevant code changes, they’re linked from git issue #1433.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi asmecher
I wanna ask you if is possible apply a patch to solve this problem I have viewed in the page PKP this type of files thanks for the help
Yes, the patches are linked in the git issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi ansmecher
in that date more or less it release the patch 2.4.8-.1