i have a problems when i use Quick Submit plug in to upload an article there was a problem,
the problem is when i finish entrying meta data and upload the article… and i save and create another submission the page return to current issue…
please can some one give me advice…
thank you
Hmmm… The 2.4.6 is a little bit older, so I do not remember if there were some issues with the QuickSubmit plugin there… I take a look as soon as possible…
Do you see any errors in your apache error log file, when saving the QuickSubmit form?
NO i dont see any error in apache error log file…
by the way i have try to delet the volume of the jurnal and than i try to made a new one but the problem is still the same the 1st and 2nd article ar sucsess but the 3rd article are fail…
and i also try with new Volume but the problem is still the same in the 3rd Article