I am trying to install ojs 3.1.2 and having error
This page isn’t working
**** is currently unable to handle this request.
I am not upgrading, but installing it on new hosting.
Php version is 7.0, 7.1 ,7.2
Also the error log is empty.
April 1, 2019, 5:35am
THat error is related to server rather than to OJS. Please check with hosting company what might be issue. Also, check technical requirements. My experience is that it is better to use PHP 7.2 instead of 7.0.
Thank You for quick response.
I tried to install it on multiple hosting. Getting same error from all of them. However versions below 3.1.2 are working fine.
April 1, 2019, 5:48am
Please check technical requirements. WHen error 500 appears? From the very begining? At some stage? Please try to be more specific.
April 1, 2019, 6:47am
this is usually because config.inc.php is set to use mysql
connection. With php7 that should be mysqli
When I fill the OJS installation form i-e. (Email, file directory , database name) etc. and click next then this error comes.
My method of installation is okay as I tried it on lower versions and it worked fine for all of them.
Can I change config.inc.php file before installation ?
April 1, 2019, 7:44am
Yes, I also think you can select mysqli from the installation form. But that will only work, if your php has the permission to write to the config.inc.php.
Hi how did solve that problem I’m also experiencing the same problem after installing OJS