We have a multisite OJS instance that was migrated from 2 to 3 last year (currently on
On OJS 2 I could make a journal non-public and it would not appear on the homepage, but would still be accessible by direct URL (sort of like YouTube’s unlisted). We used this primarily for inactive journals that we wanted to maintain access to without showing them on homepage, which has a pretty long list as is. If, in addition to being unlisted, login restriction was required, it was enabled via the respective setting in the back-end.
On OJS 3 making a journal non-public not only hides it from the homepage, but also restricts access to login only. Our inactive journals are therefore also inaccessible.
Is this an intentional change in OJS 3? Something that can be tweaked per instance?
Having an unlisted or “access by direct URL only” option would be sweet!
… posting on the forum because I know a few other OJS managers have been wondering as well - thank you…