Hi guys, i have had this problem since last year and i can´t fixe it.
The problem existed before i got this job.
My OJS send this email, when its needed, but it is completely empty, even the subject. we are pretty sure that email is sended when an autor uploads a revised version of his/her doc.. Any other email works fine.
How can i connect this_email_layout to some_php_funcion?.
I alredy try this :
Thanks for everything!
Hi @darkermisae,
What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry about that, is Open Journal Systems
Hi @darkermisae,
Have you tried constructing a test submission to see whether that is the email you think it is?
Another line of debugging would be to correlate the email’s send time (look in the message source for the exact second it was sent) against your web server’s access log, to see what URL was accessed to cause the email to be sent. (This will typically be a POST operation). If you can find the URL, that’ll help determine for sure what email template is coming through blank.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, yes we have replicated the action that triggers the empty Email
When an article is submitted, the reviwers choose one out of four options (approved, approved with minor changes, Reassessable, and rejected).
Reassessable makes the article goes for a second round of reviews, and the author have the chance to submit a new version of the article. This email notification works.
The problem comes when the author submit a new version of the article (not a new one) in the same old submit. This email notification gets to the right people but its empty.
I haven´t tried the message source yet. In my emails templates theres no email template that matches what im looking for but REVISED_VERSION_NOTIFY.
Hola @asmecher, i found the problem. My OJS doesnt have that REVISED_VERSION_NOTIFY at all.
Thats why it sends an empty email after all. This is a part of my fuction uploadRevisedVersion
$user =& $request->getUser();
$journal =& $request->getJournal();
$email = new ArticleMailTemplate($authorSubmission, 'REVISED_VERSION_NOTIFY', null, null, null, false);
So i´m gonna try creating this template to see if this works.
EDIT: Well in the end i used a working template, just change the subject and body. It was one of paypals templates.
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Hi @darkermisae,
Glad you got this resolved. FYI, you can pick the default wording out of the email template files – e.g. locale/es_ES/emailTemplates.xml
for Spanish (es_ES
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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