Embedding links to streaming video services in PDF

Hello Folks,

as far as I have seen, there is a possibility to embed (locally stored?) video files in documents on the ojs server using the feature.

However, I wonder whether it would be possible to link to an external streaming service, too. Background: Our OJS Server has large, however limited, filespace; I would prefer to stream media content from the video streaming server (using mms:// ) to save space and connection capacity …

Anyone tried this yet?

Thank you -

Hi @Jesaiah,

Are you publishing HTML-based galleys? If so, you can embed streaming videos in those using e.g. the normal YouTube embedding code.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hey Alec,
no, we use PDF due to the limited possibilities of quoting in HTML-based galleys (pagina!)

Probably a problem here.

The limitation here will be your PDF creation software (and the reader’s display software), not OJS. OJS will accept a PDF with arbitrary content. I’ve not heard of PDFs embedding streams, but it might be out there.