Dear Team,
I am emailing the authors and co-authors regarding the retraction of the manuscript from the Author. Is there any way I can email the co-authors too? I cannot find CC or BCC options in the discussion section or Notify option.
Hi @Farah_Khalid,
Can you please indicate which version of OJS you’re using (e.g. 3.3.0-13) - this will help others in knowing how to guide you effectively. Also: is the submission already within OJS, and you are looking to associate the email with the submission within OJS?
PKP Team
Hi there I am using OJS 3
Hi @Farah_Khalid,
Yes - but what specific version (as I’ve noted above) - and what stage of publication is the retratced publication in?
PKP Team
Hi there
The version is Also, it was retracted during the first step. The Author didn’t bother to reply to my emails for first-time revisions when I contacted him through his mobile number, he replied that he had submitted to another journal. My Editor has assigned me to email his Co-authors as well to let them know this procedure is unethical.
Hi @Farah_Khalid,
Thanks for clarifying. I’m afraid the BCC/CC options only exist in OJS 3.4: - so you’d have to upgrade to take advantage of that. A workaround may be to do a discussion and add the co-authors as participants, but unfortunately, CC/BCC options are not available in 3.3.
PKP Team
Thanks for your response. Can you guide me regarding the discussion section process? If the Author has not registered them to OJS can I still add them?
Hi @Farah_Khalid,
This is outlined in our documentation here:
Unfortunately, if the co-authors are not registered in OJS, there is not the ability to include them like there is in 3.4.
PKP Team
Thank you for your help. Also, can you let me know if I would like to upgrade would have some fee?
Hi @Farah_Khalid,
No - it is free to upgrade versions - OJS is free and open source software. You will, however, want to discuss the upgrade with your hosting provider and determine any requirements there.
PKP Team