Email Templates Show IP address in URL's and not sitename

OJS Version:

Dear all

We are having an issue with the emails that get triggerred by any of our process flows (we are not using cron).

Instead of seeing our site name in the url, we see the bare ip address.
Below is an example of a url taken from the reset password template.

(Note: I have changed the IP address to something generic, this is not our actual IP)

So first we followed the advice taken from this forum post, which is to change the base url
(IP address appears on email review instead of domain [OJS])

However the issue remains, we are interested in finding out how OJS is generating the URL’s. In the email templates there are tags that are replaced by a URL value, and in the database table ‘email_templates_settings’ , within the email text are variables such as ‘$submissionReviewUrl’ and ‘<a href="{$userProfileUrl}’

Have we missed a configuration step to tell the system to use the site name? Does anyone know where these urls variables are in the code?

Many thanks


Changing the base_url parameter in should be enough to solve this issue.

Please try — after making the above-mentioned change — cleaning all caches in “Administration” (data caches and templates cache).
