'Email all authors' button (individual submissions)

Describe the problem you would like to solve
OJS 3 will contact the full author list at submission and editorial decisions, but an editor may have many reasons that they will need to contact the full author list during the editorial process. Many publishing ethics issues, for example, require input and agreement from all authors. Editors may also wish to send an email to the author list once the article has been published. Currently, it is not possible to email the authors of a specific submission unless they are listed as the Author participant, which is usually not the case.

Describe the solution you’d like
Add an ‘Email all authors’ button to the editor interface so that they can easily send messages to the full author list as custom times within the full submission workflow.

Who is asking for this feature?
Journal Editors; Journal Managers

Additional information
Two possible options of how to implement this (could be either, or both):

Option 1:

Add an ‘Email all authors’ button to the Contributors tab

Option 2:

Add an ‘Email all authors’ button to below the Participants section of the Workflow tabs

The button would bring up an email window that lists all contributors in the ‘to’ field, with the options of editing the recipients as well as adding cc and bcc.

The subject would be blank and editable.

The email content would pull from a new email template (which could be left empty if the editors always wanted an empty email to work from).

The email would be logged in the Activity Log