The “Editorial Assignment” in Portuguese (Portuguese only) is showing the wrong tag where the Submission URL is suppposed to be.
Instead of the Submission URL, the following tag is appearing, even after the e-mail is sent:

This is happening to all our journals.
- What is the right tag?
- How can we fix this for all our journals?
We are using OJS 3.0.2
Hi @alexxxmendonca,
That looks like a customized email template. I’m not sure from the screenshot where it’s showing up, so I can’t tell you want email template it is, but I’d suggest checking in the Settings > Workflow > Email area to find the related template, then comparing it against its English text (which will generally serve as a good reference for what variables should be used in each template).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
The e-mail is from when I add an editor to a submission and choose the “Editorial Assignment” e-mail.
This is not only a matter of replacing an e-mail tag. Since it’s happening to all of our journals, is there a way to replace this in all e-mail templates at once?
Hi @alexxxmendonca,
That sounds like the EDITOR_ASSIGN
email template. To be sure, can you verify that the wording matches that template in Settings > Workflow > Emails?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes, it’s the EDITOR_ASSIGN e-mail.
These are the wordings:

Hi @alexxxmendonca,
This is a reflection of the translation you’re using being out of date, unfortunately. See Correct outdated translations using `{$submissionEditingUrl}` in email templates · Issue #2401 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for a couple of SQL queries you can use to quickly address this across all journals in your installation.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I’m gonna ask our IT guys for help on this one.
Thank you!