It seems as if when I go to edit a profile as journal manager, without actually logging in as the user and changing the profile that way, some kind of cookie process introduces my own name or (for a long time until I logged in today as site administrator) the name of one of our random users into the existing fields of the user! Is this some kind of cookie process? Should I just avoid editing profiles directly and always log in as the user?
I think another issue that recommends my suggested procedure is that it wants you to re-enter the passwords and I don’t know them! But when you log in as the user, you don’t have that problem. Have I answered my own question?
Hi @reflections,
What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this information in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
This journal uses sorry for not including.
We are in process of separating publisher and editor, I’ll continue as publisher and will have more time to focus on these things.
Hi @reflections,
Is it possible that this is a browser auto-fill? I don’t recall anything like that being a problem in OJS 2.3.7.
That said, OJS 2.3.7 is an extremely old install – it was released in 2012. I would strongly suggest upgrading to the most recent release. If you’re not ready to leap to OJS 3.x yet and learn its workflow, OJS 2.4.8 would be a relatively unobtrusive upgrade.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I wish it was that; but the same thing happens on many different computers…I’m going to talk to Gossamer about an update very soon, in mean time the workaround is always log in as the user to change profile. Thanks much Alec.
I’m totally up for 3.x as long as it wouldn’t be a re-learn for our other editorial team members…
Alex, Norman at Gossamer was skeptical it was a cache directory permissions things, and he in fact did go in and fix a few permissions but the problem persists. Any other tips? Was this an old bug that would be fixed by a 3.x upgrade?
Hi @reflections,
I’d suggest upgrading to the latest OJS 2.4.x release – it won’t be obtrusive for your editors (as opposed to 3.x, which has quite a different workflow), and if this is indeed an old bug, it’s better to invest time there than trying to solve it.
I do recommend checking out OJS 3.x sometime, as it’s much more modern, but do so when you’ve got a bit of time to learn the new workflow.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you!
For The Reflections Team:
Editor: Michael Dover (Cleveland State University)
Art Director: Robin Richesson (California State University Long Beach)
Associate Editors: Jennifer Bellamy (University of Denver); Priscilla Gibson (University of Minnesota); Johanna Slivinske (Review Quality, Youngstown State University); Arlene F. Reilly-Sandoval (Issue Quality)
Section Editors: Beth Lewis (Field Education); Julie Cooper Altman (Research Reflections); Carol A. Langer & Arlene F. Reilly-Sandoval (Teaching and Learning Reflections); Jon Christopher Hall (Historical Reflections)
Published by Cleveland State University School of Social Work (Cathleen A. Lewandowski, Director; Michael A. Dover, Publisher; Maureen O’Connor, Assistant Publisher)