Duplicated articles on server

I am a new user of OJS (version 2.4.8)
I used the QuickSubmit connector to upload .pdf directly and work very well. However, in reviewing the directory where the files are hosted, I see that are duplicated. They appear in both “copyedit” and “original”.
What am I doing wrong?

Best regards

Hi @peppermit,

That’s expected behavior with the QuickSubmit plugin. Typically when working with the regular production workflow there will be different files of different intermediate versions; the QuickSubimt plugin duplicates these.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec,

Thank you for your prompt and kind response. I wonder if it safe to delete one of the two files to save space.
If that were possible, which of the two would erase?

Best regards

Hi @peppermit,

If you’re on a *NIX-based server, you could even create a symbolic link so that both work even though only one copy is stored. But generally speaking, unless you’re storing a lot of large images etc., storage is cheap enough that it’s not worth the trouble.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team