Dudas de por la plataforma de OCS

Hello, good evening, I have a question. Does anyone still use the OCS platform? And if so, what procedure do I use to install it in Cpanel since it is no longer available in Softaculous and another question: If I have OJS, can I use it as a platform for conference management? And how many users can you register? I’m expecting around 800 people, thank you.

Hello @Mario_Julian_Mendez,

OCS is no longer developed and supported by PKP and it’s use is not recommended for security and usability reasons. I don’t know of it’s use through Cpanel and Softaculous, but if it used by these tools, you do so at your own risk. I have seen OJS used for conference proceedings: OJS vs OMP for a conference volume - #2 by rcgillis

But it doesn’t have the functionality that one might expect from a conference management platform - for that you might be better off searching for a platform that manages other aspect of conference managment.

PKP Team

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Thank you very much for the information. @rcgillis I only have one question. Is there a limit on the number of users in both OJS and OMP?

There is no particular limit on the number of users that can be within both OJS and OMP. However, the actual capacity may depend on the hosting environment and server resources available for a given installation. So, if you have considerable activity from a lot of users on your system, you’d want to have a good amount of resources applied (e.g. storage space, RAM, CPU, etc.).

PKP Team

Hello, good afternoon, thank you very much for your response. I have other questions:
1.- Would there be a way to modify OJS so that it does not mention that it is a magazine? I would only use it for document review management or could I use OMP? I just want it not to mention that it is a magazine or something like that.
2.- And if I have 75 GB of SSD on my host, would it be enough to store 700 users and 3 documents for each user of 25 pages?
I look forward to your email.

Hi @Mario_Julian_Mendez

Potentially… but this would take a lot of work. You’d have to go through all of the references in your locale. This could possibly be done through the custom locale plugin.

Yes - I would assume that would be fine.


Hi @Mario_Julian_Mendez

This post is relevant to your question, and in it I also provide a solution if you need a special platform to manage your conference.

And if you need more details I am always open to help you.


Hello, good morning, thank you very much for the information, it is very useful to me, thank you.
I also have the doubt if OJS can support 700 users in a period of 3 to 6 months and around the same number of documents are being sent in that same period of time. I have 75 GB of space in my hosting service.

I also have the doubt if OJS can support 700 users in a period of 3 to 6 months and around the same number of documents are being sent in that same period of time.

Yes, there are journals with larger numbers of users and submissions that work well.

I have 75 GB of space in my hosting service.

Disk space depends on the size of the files submitted, etc., but this space should be well beyond what you need.

You might be interested in this plugin that adjusts various OJS terms for conferences:

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