Hello everyone,
we are in the process of starting a new journal which I would like to offer in two languages. Does anyone have experience to share regarding the best configuration option? Does adding a second language affect other titles available only in English?
I will appreciate any help you can offer.
Hi @lsteele,
There is some info in the documentation: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/learning-ojs/en/settings-website#languages
Also I’m helping my university to run multilingual OJS journal and we do not use any additional configurations. All of our content duplicates in 2 languages, although there can be untranslated messages, depending on the completeness of the translation.
It can affect interface, submission metadata and/or all other forms, depending on your choice. As far as I know, additional languages can be added per journal basis. The only thing that was missing is a translation of authors’ names but this feature was added in the most recent release.
Hi, Vitali,
I will investigate: will you possibly be at PKP in Barcelona in November? It may be a good opportunity to meet (and maybe you can guide me in this complex task…)