Drop-down menu for affiliations?

We are using OJS to publish the proceedings of a student conference with students of four universities. Last year, we noticed that although all students came from the same four universities, they had put many different variants regarding the name of their university. Therefore, we were wondering, whether it is possible to adjust the registration form so that they can select from drop-down menu of four affiliations.

Sorry for not framing this question with more technical details. I am not a programmer, just a TA trying to optimize our process. Glad for any help!

We are using Open Journal Systems

Hi @kaleidograph,

Thank you for your post, and it is interesting to hear the student perspective on this. This is a bit of a complex topic, and is actively being explored by our developers in this discussion here: Need to support multiple author affiliations · Issue #7135 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub It is in PKP’s radar, but not in the form of having dropdowns, but rather allowing for multiple affiliations, rather than a controlled vocabulary like the one you note. There is another emerging approach to this however, through the use of the Research Organization Registry (ROR) plugin, which is explained in more detail here: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/ror-plugin/en/ror-plugin - you may want to have a look at that and see if that might meet your needs as a first step.

PKP Team

Thank you very much! That’s very helpful!

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