Hello Everybody.
I have a question about the plugins driver and openaire.
My configuration is:
/ ** @var $ maxIdentifiers int maximum identifiers returned per request * /
var $ maxIdentifiers = 5;
/ ** @var $ maxRecords int maximum records returned per request * /
var $ maxRecords;
; OAI Settings;
; Enable OAI front-end to the site
oai = On
; OAI Repository identifier
repository_id = “bibliods.com”
; Maximum number of records per request to serve via OAI
oai_max_records = 2
My problem is I have 1500 Records. So with this configuration the result would have to have several “slides” (
resumptionToken) for more results. But when I run for example:
http: //X.X.X.X/ojs248/index.php/CE/oai? verb = ListRecords & metadataPrefix = oai_dc & set = driver
returns only two and does not give me the chance to move to the next page.
But in another case, when I run a set (example set-> CE, which are the initials of the magazine and is automatically added by the system) if it gives me the possibility of passing the following:
The questions:
Do you have the same with the Driver or OpenAire plugin with several records?
This is normal or really if a collector consults (Harvesting) the oai of the ojs with set driver/OpenAire will return only a part of the records (does not place option resumptionToken)?
If it is not normal, should I add some extra function in the plugins for the resumptionToken?