Download list of reviewers for a journal from PhpMyAdmin

Hi everyone,
OJS setup: version, multi-journal.

I need to download a list of users registered as reviewers for a journal through phpmyadmin. I found one sample SQL from the community showcase, but it’s not working for me. Does anyone has such script?
Or could anyone describe the relationship involved (which tables etc) for me to get started.

Thank you in advance. Any help is appreciated.

Hi @Afendi_Hamat,

I can help you with the following query that lists all reviewers:

SELECT first_name, middle_name, last_name, email , role_id
FROM users AS u INNER JOIN roles AS r ON r.user_id = u.user_id
WHERE r.role_id=4096;

What you need is to extend the query to verify also journal (column journal in the table roles).

Regards, Primož

Thank you primozs!

here’s what I ended up using in case anyone is looking for something similar:

SELECT CONCAT_WS(" ",first_name, middle_name, last_name) as fullname, email , role_id
FROM users AS u INNER JOIN roles AS r ON r.user_id = u.user_id
WHERE r.role_id=4096 AND r.journal_id=3;

would be nice to have a list of codes for the roles.

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