Download data is not yet available error

We cannot see the download and view data. It says download data is not available. (Data is visible in the admin panel statistics section.)

I have looked at previous threads in this forum and checked many places, but I could not find a solution.

Acron plugin is enabled.
usageStats plugin is enabled.
base_url is correct.

There seems to be only one problem. And that is this;

There is no scheduledTaskLogs folder which should be under files_dir/usageStats. When I create it manually, it is deleted by itself.

What could be the reason?

Hi @takmaisim,

Would you mind indicating which version you’re working with (e.g. 3.3.0-13)? In the future, please include this as it helps those who may assist you with troubleshooting issues on the forum.

PKP Team

Our version 3.3.0-14.

Is there anyone who can help?