Dont show files

we updated our OJS from 2.3.7 to 3.0.0.Then we changed our server.
we copied files and imported DB on the new server.Many of the files such as pdf , ms word and etc existed on our last server, however now as we moved these files to ‘files’ folder on public_html , and go to a one of the submissions , it doesn’t work

in fact the file addresses do not work when we click on the article pdf icon

for example please see the address below :

can you give me a sulution?

Hi @amirhosein,

Don’t put your files_dir inside your web root unless you somehow protect it from direct access! See docs/README under the “Recommended Configuration” area.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

hi @asmecher
thank you for your perennial kindly guidances

i do it (move files to ‘files’ folder on home root , before public_html) , but it deosn’t work

on 2.3.7 edition files has been on files folder on public_html root

now i have a question
is it necessary to config DB?

last our ojs service is 2.3.7 and we update it to 2.4.8 and then to 3
now we changed server and copy all files and import db

i understand a tip
structure of last files folder different by this version

for example
last version has this form

and new version is

Hi @amirhosein,

That’s correct – the upgrade process should take care of rearranging the files area from the old form to the new one.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

hi @asmecher
how to config this manually?

Hi @amirhosein,

There’s no easy way to do this manually; it’s best to let the upgrade process handle it.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you

But Our jounal updated exactly like as update docx
But this don’t work

Please say to me how i manually fixed it

Thanks a million :heart:

Hi @amirhosein,

When you ran the upgrade, did you receive error messages about files being moved? Perhaps file permissions didn’t permit the upgrade process to move files?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


No No
Even when i submitted a new submishion this work correctly and show files

Hi @amirhosein,

That’s consistent with the upgrade process not being able to move files during upgrade – newly submitted content will be in the new location, but old content will not. If you have a backup of the system from before the upgrade, I would suggest extracting it (potentially on a different machine) and running a test upgrade. Capture the output and post it here.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team