DOIs not showing on Articles on Home page

Describe the issue or problem
One of the Journals we host noticed that on the Journals home page the DOI’s are not displaying on the list of articles for the issue. They mentioned it was there back in July. Just before that time we upgraded from to I was wondering did something change to cause from to Is there a solution to this?

Steps I took leading up to the issue
I check several of the other journals we have that is using DOI’s and there home pages also do not display the DOI’s on the articles on the home pages. If you click on the Archives on the Journal and click on the same issue that is on the home page the DOI’s appear on the list of articles. Also on the home page if you click on Current it brings you to the page that has the list of articles along with DOI’s.

What application are you using?

Additional information
Please add any screenshots, logs or other information we can use to investigate this problem.

Hi @Stephen,

Perhaps you could provide a link to your journal to be able to see this? You haven’t changed themes for this journal, have you? I wonder if that would possibly affect the display of DOIs.

PKP Team

Hi Roger,

The link to the journal home page is: The theme that they are currently and also used under the old version is the Health Sciences Theme. If you click either Current or Archives and the same issue on the home page, the DOI’s appear.


Hi @Stephen,
have you tried the DOI in Summary Plugin from the Plugin Gallery?

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Hi @mpbraendle I did see the plugin but our organization is hesitant on using a 3rd party plugin. We worry that when upgrade to newer version of OJS in the future, the plugin may not be kept upped and upgraded.

Any other ideas? Also was there a change from to that caused DOI’s to not to show up on Home page. Thanks