In your documentation here you say “Ensure that ONLY the “Articles” and “Supplementary Files” assignment options are clicked - Crossref doesn’t use the other options.” However that seems to result in DOIs only appearing on Abstract pages not on the pages with the pdf. So that means, any item without an abstract will not have a visible DOI, is that correct?
Hi @jpowell,
That’s correct. It might be misleading to present DOIs on the file pages – it would suggest that the DOIs are affixed to the files.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
So, items like editorials and book reviews which typically do not have abstracts cannot have DOIs?
Also, some journals do not have abstracts at all. Such journals would not be able to use DOIs?
Hi @jpowell,
The problem here is (IMO) not the presentation of DOIs, it’s the lack of a landing page for articles that don’t have abstracts. The landing page is crucial for a lot of reasons, including (but not limited to) Google Scholar’s metadata requirements – each element they index needs to have a clear set of metadata and a URL to get it from, so the distinction between an article and a file attached to it is crucial. If you’re in a situation where articles don’t have abstracts but you need that landing page to exist, you might need to tweak a small bit of code; let me know if you’d like some guidance.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you Alec. I’ll keep your offer of guidance in mind if the need becomes critical. For now though, could you explain why the settings in the Public Identifier Plugins for DOIs include the options of galleys and issues if they are not viable options for CrossRef? This is creating a lot of confusion for us.
Hi @jpowell,
We’re frequently torn between conflicting requirements from different data consumers – Google Scholar, CrossRef, and a dozen metadata exchange formats – and there are some cross-cutting concerns among these, such as identifiers. CrossRef may want DOIs primarily attached to articles (rather than e.g. galley files or issues), but other users like Google Scholar want IDs attached to other kinds of entities. Our general approach is to support a broad range of configurations, allowing editors to decide what they want to use, though one unfortunate downside is that it forces editors to become acquainted with some of the arcane details.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
we would like to have the DOI (or in our case a URN) of a galley visible on the landing page of the article; whether or not there is an abstract (there still might be some keywords).
Could you give me (or @paf) guidance how to achive that with some code?
Thank you!
Hi @lcbossert,
What version of OJS are you working with? (Please include this with your posts.)
I can’t walk you through code modifications in detail, but perhaps I can suggest where to start.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
sorry; it is OJS 3.0.2. Just pointing out where to start would be great. thanks.
Hi @lcbossert,
I think the initial poster was discussing OJS 2.x, which doesn’t link to an article landing page if there is no abstract. I think OJS 3.x always links to an article landing page, regardless of the abstract being present or not. Is that not what you’re seeing?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @lcbossert
I think that the galley pub ids (DOI, URN) are not displayed yet in OJS 3 – we still have to find a good place for it…
If you would like to change the code, you would need something like this, but for each galley (e.g. and probably without this code part:
{if $pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType() == ‘doi’}
Hi @bozana.
thank you. I think your answer is what I need (@asmecher links just didnt appear and did not lead to “wrong” page). I will check out the code with @paf and let you know how it works.
Hi @Bozana,
I will have a look and add the Galley’s Pub-IDs and make al pull request then. I would allready have done, I was sure, it is wanted.
Best, Paf
Hi @paf
A decision from @NateWr is needed, where/how we would like to display the galleys DOIs on the article page…
Okay, lets wait for it.
We are still waiting, aren’t we? Or did I miss something?
@bozana: are you able to provide an update on this?
Hi @paf,
Oh, this was low priority for us… so no changes here…
Would you like to create a feature request on the forum (s. From there we can see it further…