Since some time now (kind of out of the bleu) when submitting an article it says “Failed”
when I Click on failed
It says:
As far as I know nothing changed. Still using 2.4.8
Could it be it has something to do on the server side where OJS is installed? Change in configuration?
Best Regards,
Hmmm… That is a little bit strange :-
Actually, as far as I see it (from the copy of the Crossref status you have posted), the status should be “submitted” I have no idea why you then see “failed” :-
Could you please try something: select that one article example and press on the button “Check status”. Does the status maybe change?
The other thing is, why is the Crossref status “submitted” and not processed further – after the status submitted, the deposit should be processed and the status should either change to “failed” (if something when wrong) or “completed” (if the processing was successful). If the status there is still “submitted” could you maybe ask Crossref support – why is it not being processed further?
Hmmm… There was an improvement and some fixes in the 2.4.8-1, so maybe, if possible for you, to try to upgrade to the latest 2.4.8-2. Please do not forget to back up everything and test the upgrade before doing it in production mode!
Did you try the “Check status” button for an article DOI?
Try to submit only one article DOI again. Does the status changes to “submitted”?
There is no need to get rid of the DOIs – it would not change anything…