DOI option cannot found

Hi! I am using OJS Here , I plug in DOI

But I did not get option of DOI
Here I got, some one getting option DOI, I don’t know the version

Hi @Abhiek,

As the message indicates on the second screenshot, you have to first assign the article to an issue - have you done that? Also, it doesn’t look like one of your screenshots was posted here - could you repost it, as it would help in understanding your issue further.

PKP Team

Yes, I assign article to a issue.

In my dashboard of publication it is not showing. I am not getting identifier option.
In below screenshot, it is available. Below screenshot is other person. I don’t know his/her ojs version.

How I got identifier option in my dashboard? I am using OJS

Hi @Abhiek,

Thank you for clarifying. Were you able to assign DOIs to articles previously, or is this just a one-off? Have you configured Crossref (presumably, you are using Crossref as a DOI registration agency?) and DOIs correctly within OJS: ?

PKP Team

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