Last Monday (20/04/2015) we update to version 2.4.6 of OJS.
Now I’m trying to send information to DOAJ with the pluguin installed and gives me error:
“processing failed - Unable to parse file”
Until now the 2.4.5 version was correct, but I see that the pluguin has quite changed in this version.
The changes we made between 2.4.5 and 2.4.6 are documented here:
The XML structure didn’t change, but additional tools were added e.g. to only export partial content from the journal. Could you start by validating the XML against the schema file to make sure that it’s correct? See plugins/importexport/doaj/doajArticles.xsd for details. If it does validate, and you’re still getting error messages, I’d suggest contacting DOAJ to see what they say.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am totally missing where the copy of doajArticles.xsd is even referenced in the code. All I see is the: define('DOAJ_XSD_URL', '');
Where is it hiding?
We also tested exports again today from journals which did not work yesterday, but without the updated doajArticles.xsd. These were successful today. I believe plugins/importexport/doaj/doajArticles.xsd is a dead file and the issue existed and was resolved on DOAJ’s end.
@asmecher, yes, the URL is used correctly (and the underlying schema at that link changed a NS URI recently), but I still think plugins/importexport/doaj/doajArticles.xsd is a dead file.
I have the same problem with OJS xml export and DOAJ xml structure. I used free xml check to convert right structure. It didn’t work so is there anybody can help me.
Are you selecting articles for export that are not yet published? Make sure that all your articles are published; you can check by looking at the XML file for articles that don’t have a element. There shouldn’t be any.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I used the xmllint XML validator to check your XML file:
xmllint --schema doajArticles.xsd Oneri.xml
This gave me the following messages:
Oneri.xml:9: element volume: Schemas validity error : Element 'volume': This element is not expected. Expected is ( publicationDate ).
Oneri.xml:42: element volume: Schemas validity error : Element 'volume': This element is not expected. Expected is ( publicationDate ).
Oneri.xml:69: element volume: Schemas validity error : Element 'volume': This element is not expected. Expected is ( publicationDate ).
Oneri.xml:102: element volume: Schemas validity error : Element 'volume': This element is not expected. Expected is ( publicationDate ).
I’d suggest checking your articles to make sure a valid publication date is set.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi asmecher,
Thank you for your help on this matter. After a long research I find to problem (publicationDate) and I fix it. It is coming from our xml export and there are structural problem with it.
Hello oneridergisi,
I am facing the same problem (OJS Could you tell me what was exactly the probelm with the publicationDate and how you fixed it.
Thanks a lot,