One of our journals was accepted by DOAJ. Upon entering the API key, I tried to export one of the articles, which instantly produced a validation error:
Validation errors:
Element 'orcid_id': [facet 'pattern'] The value '' is not accepted by the pattern 'https://orcid\.org/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-\d{3}[\dX]'.
Element 'orcid_id': '' is not a valid value of the local atomic type.
Invalid XML:
What I am seeing is that the author entered an incorrect/insecure ORCID path, using http:// instead of https://, which is the required pattern.
I can test this by asking the author to change his/her ORCID entry in his/her profile and then I would try exporting again. If this is indeed the problem (and I asked DOAJ to confirm or point to another cause), I would like to know which database and table in the cPanel I can use to make changes to all author’s ORCID paths? This would eliminate the need to do this one by one or wait for authors to respond. If this is a good reason for a feature request, please add it to the wishlist.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions. Best wishes, @asabhar
Can you indicate which version of the ORCID plugin and the version of OJS you’re using? In a newer iteration of the plugin there is an attempt to ensure that https:// is enforced, hopefully avoiding this problem in the future.
We have “DOAJ Export Plugin” installed, but I do not see the version number. Also, I have noticed that when I go from one view to another in the admin menu, some code (looks like php) flashes for a split second before going to the next page. I did not see it before adding the DOAJ API key. What do you think, what is causing it?
I was asking about the version of the ORCID plugin. To get the version number you go to Website > Plugins > Plugin gallery - and click on the name of the plugin and a little window will pop up showing you the plugin information, like this:
I was wondering about the ORCID plugin version - not the DOAJ export plugin. I’m not sure about this other issue you are experiencing, but if it is creating problems for you, can you please create a separate post for it? We prefer to keep forum posts limited to one issue - this helps keep the forum organized.
I am also flagging @Dulip_Withanage to see if he would advise making database changes for this and if so, how to go about it.
My apologies, Roger, I must have been distracted. It is the ORCID Profile plugin that shows this information, and ours is the same as the one that you captures on your screen. Same date (2021-06-02, v1.1.2.19). About the other issue, I originally thought that it was related to the one I am reporting, but it is doing it in other journals not using DOAJ and ORCID plugins.
I would like to know which database and table in the cPanel I can use to make changes to all author’s ORCID paths? This would eliminate the need to do this one by one or wait for authors to respond. If this is a good reason for a feature request, please add it to the wishlist.
Depending on user or author , it should be user_settings or author_settings respectively.
After the plguin is enabled, you cannot enter the orcids manually, therefore it is better to handle this kind of requests in OJS/OPS instead of the plugin.
There is a global feature, we are going to add in the future., where usecases like yours will be addressed.
Is there a way to make changes at the file level and force the plugin to accept the ORCID paths with http in the meantime? The next upgrade will probably replace this file anyway, but if PKP could add this global feature that would be the best solution. Regards
I took a look at the DOAJ metadata schema and it does not appear to require the ORCID ID. There is an alternate approach that would evade having to deal with ORCID plugin requirements such as using https. In fact, it appears that DOAJ submissions accept http:// in other parts of the submission metadata. I wonder if on the short term, it would be possible for PKP to release a DOAJ Explort plugin without the required “https://” (or present users with a choice) in the ORCID ID–which is the source of the current issue that I am reporting on–or offer an option to associate an article with an ORCID ID. This may work for all submissions, including those by authors without an ORCID profile. We have the most recent update for the ORCID profile plugin. Thank you! @asabhar