I am trying to do DOAJ export. After clicking “Export Journal” I wait for about a minute and then get HTTP error 500. I am running it on Win8 server with IIS 8.
I have checked the logs (I can find) and there was no error at all.
I have been searching support forums (this and old) and I haven’t found information that would help me.
Any idea how to proceed?
Regards, Primož
Hi @primozs,
A 500 error should always have an error log entry – perhaps you’re looking in the wrong log file? Depending on your server configuration, you might need to check both a PHP error log and an Apache error log. Something like a timeout is a likely suspect.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
OK, am not sure if I have checked all the log files, but I have checked two (IIS and PHP) and in the php log file I found DOAJ export entries, so I believe that is it. Unfortunately no errors.
But I have found something interesting to me: If I check the PHP environment (Site Admin - System information - Extended PHP Information) and I am a bit confused with the display_errors variable values:
- Local Value is Off
- Master Value is On
I have changed the values to on to both php.ini (in the PHP directory) and config.php.ini (in the OJS install directory).
Does that look OK? I would say no.
Regards, Primož
Hi @primozs,
Have you checked your server environment for timeout settings? Both PHP and probably IIS should have options for limiting long requests, so it might be that you’ve encountered one of those.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes I have checked the timeouts. And the 500 error comes relatively quickly, less than a minute. There are some other actions that take much longer and work OK.
Regards, Primož
Hi @primozs,
Have you verified the error log location in your System Information area? I still think something should be getting logged corresponding to the 500 error, based on what you describe.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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Hi @asmecher,
thank you for help. The problem was with not enough memory for the PHP. I have found the error in the PHP log. After increasing the variable memory_limit from 128M to 1G it works. I guess the problem is because the journal is quite big with a lot of issues/articles. That is also why I have been looking for an option to export only selected issues/articles and not all of them.
Regards, Primož
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